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Formal Componentry Studies

PennDesign | Arch 611 | Nate Hume | Fall 2014

Component Formation (1)
Component Formation (2)
Component Formation (3)
Component Formation (4)
Component Formation (5)
Component Formation (6)
Aggregation Formation (1)
Aggregation Formation (2)
Aggregation Formation (3)
Aggregation Formation (4)
Aggregation Formation (5)
Aggregation Formation (6)

Componentry study looking into the morphology of primitives into complex and nested structures. The creation of a small duplex utilizing this technique creates an interesting play between solid and void, opacity and transparency. The study looks more into the formal attributes created by nesting objects to create cellular spaces with gaps, seams, and cracks between each space.

Visual Studies 3_Plan
Visual Studies 3_Linework Render
Visual Studies 3_Top view
Visual Studies 3_Side Elevation
Visual Studies 3_Front elevation
Visual Studies 3_Render 1
Visual Studies 3_Cover Image
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