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Site Parasitic

PennDesign | Arch 501 | Michael Loverich | Fall 2013

Parasite as Architecture


Creating architecture through destruction, a parasite relies on the host to be the body as it grows and lives off of shared nutrients. The organism begins by nesting within and slowly grows larger and stronger always taking pieces from the host. As it grows the parasite will continue to deteriorate its host but never rendering the host as completely destroyed. The parasite does not want to suffocate or completely destroy the host nor does it want to keep the host completely intact. Like the majority of organisms, it looks for a complete harmony between environment and self. The organic nature of the parasite can turn any normative organism to a grotesque and tortured element that will always bare evidence of the events that took place as a shrine or monument to its dysfunctional relationship.

3 Month Growth
6 Month Growth
9 Month Growth
E-W Section
Exploded Axon
Plan Level 1

Plan Level 1

Plan Level 2

Plan Level 2

Plan Level 3

Plan Level 3

Plan Level 4

Plan Level 4

Plan Level 5

Plan Level 5

Plan Level 6

Plan Level 6

Plan Level 7

Plan Level 7

Exterior Material Render
Floor 3 Render
Bear Cage Render
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